The ClimeFish DSS cannot tell the future but IT can help to prepare for it!

Within the ClimeFish project we develop 3 decision support software, one for each sector: marine fisheries – West of Scotland case study, marine aquaculture – Greek case study, lake and pond aquaculture – Hungarian case study. Although all three software are tailored to the specific needs of the sector and within the sector to the case study, all of them have several things in common:
- They combine ecologic modeling with economic assessments: Ecologic modeling, taking into account climate change parameters, results in production forecasts which form the base of economic calculations.
- The user can choose between different climate scenarios and business/husbandry practices for the ecologic modeling.
- The economic parameters known to undergo changes, e.g. fish prices or wages, are user input.
- The software cannot predict the future or be used as a business management tool but provide “what-if scenarios”. Getting a broad picture with the support of “what-if scenarios” under climate change through the software helps making smarter decision regarding the future.
This spring, we presented a prototype for each sector to the stakeholders. They were lively commented on and discussed and we are currently working at our computers to incorporate the stakeholders’ views and input for the next version. We are looking forward to present the next prototype in spring 2019 again to the stakeholders!

The Greek stakeholder Meeting

The Hungarian stakeholder Meeting

The Scottish stakeholder meeting