The ClimeFish Annual Dissemination Awards
Members of ClimeFish that had made major achievements during the first year of ClimeFish were awarded with prizes during The Annual ClimeFish Dissemination Awards at the Annual Meeting.
Congratulations to the lucky winners:
Jan Kubečka: Rewarded “the Media Man” for Publishing most News in the media
Antón A. Salgado: Rewarded “the Publisher” for publishing 3 academic papers the first year and for publishing one article in National Geographic
Alan Baudron: Rewarded “the Slogan Master” for making the slogan that we use on our website front page
Courtney Hough: Rewarded “the Miss Undercover” for attending most conferences this year
Marie-Anne Blanchet: Rewarded “the Best Actress” for starring in our first youtube video
Mario Acquarone: Rewarded “the Lawyer, For writing several articles for the web including paragraphs
Martha Ballesteros, Mariola Norte and Rosa Chapela: Rewarded “the Three Musceteers” for actively involving in dissemination activities
Hanne Risan Johnsen: Rewarded “the Puppet Master” for controlling everything that we do in the project
Nikos Papandroulakis also got a t-shirt for hosting out meeting at Crete