3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA)

3 days on the latest climate change adaptation science: bringing the best to ClimeFish from ECCA 2017
How is Europe adapting to climate change? What can we learn from other continents’ experience? During 3 days ClimeFish has been learning from other regions and other projects on climate change adaptation at the 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA), held in Glasgow from the 5th to 9th June. Over 800 participants from 48 different countries met with the aim of working together to discover and deliver positive climate adaptation solutions.
From the 72 sessions that have taken place during ECCA, ClimeFish has focused on the ones addressed to participation and co-production, to integrate that knowledge on a better co-creation with stakeholders for our Decision Support Framework and management plans. Topics such as ‘Making decisions with multiple stakeholders for long-term resilience’, ‘Novel methodologies and tools for knowledge co-production’, and ‘Co-production as a means of climate change governance’ will help us to implement stakeholders’ interaction strategies throughout ClimeFish project.
Among the take home messages we have brought from ECCA, we must highlight how crucial it is to implement an ‘iterative approach to co-create adaptation solutions’, ‘how to translate science into decision process’ and how essential is ‘a lot of listening to stakeholders’, as ClimeFish has foreseen.
Take home messages from ECCA:
- translating science into decision process
- listening a lot to stakeholders
- implementing an iterative approach to co-create adaptation solutions
In ClimeFish we are in line with this iterative approach with our 2 loops process to enhance the co-creation with stakeholders and the reception of their feedback.