EU’s Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change
Take action – participate in online public consultation on adaptation to climate change in fisheries and aquaculture I your country
The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on EU Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change that is open until 1/03/2018. This consultation will gather views from a broad range of stakeholders to increase the resilience across the Member States by enhancing the preparedness and capacity of all government levels to respond to impacts of climate change. Input from all ClimeFish partners and stakeholders is very valuable and Max Linsen (DG Clima) and Michaela Aschan (ClimeFish) encourage you to participate. Sigi Gruber, HoU Marine Resources at DG Research, points out that all that can be done to emphasize the relevance of marine issues in climate change policies at different governance levels, are very welcome. In most of the important fora in this respect, ocean is frequently paid poor attention. Join!