ClimeFish is attending the FishAdapt conference in Bangkok this week
The Global Conference on Climate Change Adaptation for Fisheries and Aquaculture takes place in Bangkok, Thailand 8-10th of August 2016.
ClimeFish is represented by organizing a session together with our BG2 sister project CERES on the topic: “Preparing for climate change in European fisheries and aquaculture: Lessons learned and transferability to the global context ”, Tuesday, 9th from 16:00 until 17:30.
Michaela Aschan, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway
Preparing for sustainable fish production in Europe under climate change
Ian Cowx, Myron Peck, Mike Elliott
CERES – Climate Change and European aquatic RESources
Petter Olsen, Nofima
Decision support for seafood production under climate change