ClimeFish at the EAS in Dubrovnik

Aquaculture Europe was held in beautiful Dubrovnik, Croatia. It was a great success, with close to 1700 participants from more than 60 countries. A video of the event and the summary of the session are available at the EAS webpage
CERES and ClimeFish co-chaired the session “Aquaculture, Environment and Climate Change”. More than 40 people attended the Aquaculture, Environment and Climate session the final day of the conference. The session had a vast participation with 14 oral presentations and 27 poster presentations. Most of the projects presented focused on mitigation and adaptation to climate changes, where the overall goal is to ensure sustainability in the sector. Several branches of aquaculture in Europe were addressed: sea bass, sea bream, tuna and mussel farming in the Mediterranean, Baltic, North Sea area and Galicia in Spain, Atlantic salmon in Norway and Scotland and carp in Poland. Specific attention was given to climate effects like increased temperature and acidification, as well as specific topics like feeding and metabolism under different climate scenarios, diseases and parasites in warmer environment and methods for how to monitor environment and climate changes. Also, the importance of having stakeholders in the projects in order to bridge the gaps between science, practice and politics was addressed.
From the “Aquaculture, Environment and Climate Change” session it was clear that focus on environmental and climate changes is increasing and already we know a lot about the specific changes we may expect and how these changes will affect the farmed animals. However, little is known about the combination of effects and interaction between factors or the long term effects. More focus is needed to unravel the mechanisms for adaptation, long term exposure and strategies that may be initiated and implemented in the farming practices in order to reduce the risk of negative growth and reap the benefits of climate change in the seafood production sector.
Below are some images from the session:

Elisabeth Ytteborg presents the ClimeFish project

Øyvind Berg presents how diseases in aquaculture may be affected by global warming

Pauline Kamermans presents the CERES project

Isabel Fuentes Santos presents DEB models and Growth in Galician shellfish

Elisabeth Ytteborg presents the ClimeFish Project at the EU forum the first day of the EAS conference

Lynne Flaconer presents the TAPAS project