ClimeFish at the CERES Annual Meeting
CERES is the sister-project of ClimeFish, financed by EUs H2020 program, running from 2016 to 2020.
CERES is named after the Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility and is devoted to the questions as to how climate change will influence Europe´s fish and shellfish resources and how industry can adapt to and benefit from future change.
The ClimeFish coordinator, Michaela Aschan, visited the Annual Meeting of CERES, which was held in Galway the 28th to the 30th of March. On the agenda was the outcome of the projects first year and strengthening of the cooperation between the two projects.
Joint forces between CERES and ClimeFish will strengthen our research and results. We are attending each other’s meetings, arrange workshops and share information. CERES and ClimeFish bring together trans-disciplinary groups, including experts in fish biology, fisheries, aquaculture, resource economics, sociology and physical climate modelling from around the world, aiming for leading discussions on biological and socioeconomic climate vulnerability assessment.
In 2016 we had five joint meetings:
- Kick-off meeting CERES, Mallorca, Spain April 2016
- Kick-off meeting ClimeFish, Tromsø, Norway, May 2016
- Common session at FishAdapt, Bangkok, August 2016
- FISHDISH workshop on fish distribution, November 2016
- CERES Annnual Meeting, Galway, April 2017
We have several more on our agenda:
- ClimeFish Annual Meeting, Crete, Greece, April 2017
- Joint DEB modelling workshop Venice, June 2017
- ClimeFish access to CERES POLCOMS-ERSEM simulations in the Adriatic and Agean Sea
- Comparison of downscaled physical and biogeochemical predictions for the North Atlantic, Mediterranean and Baltic
- Climate change adaptation plan for aquaculture in UK coordinated by SEAFISH
- Joint freshwater session at the EIFAAC Symposium: Adaptation of inland fisheries and aquaculture to climate change, September 2017
Upcoming events will be announced here and you can read more about CERES at their webpage.