EIFAAC International Symposium

EIFAAC International Symposium
Adaptation of inland fisheries and aquaculture to climate change, 3 – 6.09.2017, Stare Jabłonki, Poland
About 70 experts from 20 countries gather in the lake district of Mazovian Lakes in Poland under the auspices of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) of Food and Agriculture Organization of FAO to discuss the adaptation of inland fisheries and aquaculture to climate change (CC). The meeting was kindly organized by the Polish Institute of Inland Fisheries in Olsztyn. The sessions of the meeting were dedicated to the impact of CC to Fisheries and aquaculture, CC and other ecological disturbances assessment and to adaptation methods. One section was dedicated to the results of EU funded projects CERES and CLIMEFISH, mostly to the modelling of various CC effects on fish populations. CLIMEFISH consortium presented seven oral lectures and one poster summarizing the current state of progress of modelling and predicting climate caused changes in fish communities and aquaculture conditions. Symposium participants prepared the list of conclusions and recommendations for EIFAAC and FAO for further CC research and adaptation and mitigation measures. It was also agreed to continue to work towards further international projects for better understanding and adaptation to the effects of CC.
CLIMEFISH presentations
Gergő Gyalog: Impact of Climate Change on water balance of Hungarian contour fishponds
Raul Primicerio: Climate change impact on resilience and production of harvested lake fish in Europe
Aslak Smalås: Effects of climate warming and size-selective fisheries on lake fish populations at high latitudes
Matteo Zucchetta: Uncertainty in the projection of the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus in Lake Garda (Northern Italy): implication for management
Allan T. Souza: Faster growth patterns in predatory fish triggered by environmental changes
Amaj Rahimi Midani: Analyzing the pikeperch collapse in Lipno Reservoir by understanding the process of artificial stocking of carp and with the help of surplus production models
Jan Kubecka: Brief outline of long-term ecological research into water reservoirs in the Czech Republic
And a ClimeFish-poster describing the mission of the Project.