Get involved
Stakeholder involvement is vital for reaching our goals. Scientists and stakeholders work together to make sure experience-based knowledge is integrated in the various scientific analyses. That way we ensure that the knowledge we go by is scientifically acceptable, has policy relevance and has social robustness.
Our hub of stakeholders that will meet at various events to find relevant knowledge for the ClimeFish project. For stakeholders, the knowledge we generate will be usable concerning how climate changes impact fisheries and aquaculture, and how to increase the robustness of the social systems.
Together, stakeholders and scientists will contribute to the development of the ClimeFish Decision Support Framework.
We will also produce a roadmap for implementing recommendations of the framework. Stakeholders will also be given training on developing climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture strategic planning.
The ClimeFish team wants to help European decision makers and producers to achieve further increase in seafood production in a sustainable way, as the climate changes – we welcome you to take part in our common challenge!
Interested in joining in? Send us a message at