Policy Day in Brussels

Policy Briefing on forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture in the European Comission, Brussels on Friday 15th of December 2017
The event was arranged by the Directorate General (DG) for Research and Innovation to facilitate communication, dissemination and discussions and thereby increase impact of project outcomes. Altogether 17 persons were present representing DG Mare, DG Clima, DG Environment, the executive agency for research and DG RTD as well as the EU projects ClimeFish, CERES and COLUMBUS.
Sigi Gruber, the head of the Marine Resources Unit in the Directorate General for Research and Innovation, opened the meeting. Then the approach, outcomes and next steps of ClimeFish and the sister project CERES were jointly presented by the coordinators Prof. Myron Peck and Prof. Michaela Aschan. Each sector, marine fisheries, freshwater lakes, ponds and rivers as well as marine aquaculture were presented and discussed. This revealed that several outcomes and contacts from the two projects are of high relevance for the EC and that we need to increase our contacts with other ongoing projects (e.g. GoJelly) that may contribute to ClimeFish work. We were strongly encouraged to participate in the ongoing public consultation on CC adaptation (see below). ClimeFish will arrange a round table discussion with policymakers on the EU level in September 2018. We hope that this will allow us to keep continues contact with the most relevant policy makers during the project lifetime.