The WKFISHDISH workshop took place at ICES headquarters (Copenhagen) on November 22nd -25th 2016. The purpose of this workshop was to provide information that will serve as a base to answer a request from the EU Commission. The commission requested information regarding distribution shifts of 19 commercial fish stocks in relation to their TAC (Total Allowed Catches) management areas.

The workshop was chaired by Thomas Brunel (Netherlands), Alan Baudron (UK) and Jose Fernandes (UK) and 17 participants assisted in identifying species distributional shifts and writing the report. ClimeFish participated to this workshop by sending two members of the consortium: Alan Baudron (University of Aberdeen) and Marie-Anne Blanchet (Norwegian College of Fishery Science).

Based on the analyses and the available literature, all species but three were found to exhibit some changes in their distribution to some extent. The main drivers of distribution were environmental conditions (mainly temperature) for all species, density-dependent habitat selection, geographical attachment, species interactions, demographic structure, and spatial dependency. Other possible drivers (fishing and colonization) were also mentioned. Based on the available information the following areas were identified most at risk: North Sea (warming and latitudinal shift), southern areas i.e. Celtic Sea and below (warming and lower primary produc-tion), west of Scotland (northward shift), Norwegian Sea and Skaggerak and Kattegat (increase in abundance). However, our ability to accurately predict the future distri-bution of fish species is hampered by both our understanding of the mechanisms associated with drivers, and our ability to predict these drivers.

Ecological and management implications of the changes in distribution were identified. The main possible ecological implications include habitat limitation, isolation between life stages habitats, new prey-predator interactions and subsequent competition between predators. The main management implication identified was the mismatch between regional abundances and TACs allocation.

While there is no obvious solution to address this issue, adaptive management seems to be the best candidate to deal with changes in fish distribution. In addition, a better monitoring of fish stocks and ecosystems is needed to improve our knowledge of the mechanisms involved in order to increase our ability to predict and to adapt to future changes.

Two new publications on Greek aquaculture

Projecting climate change impacts on Mediterranean finfish production: a case study in Greece Climatic Change ; Volume 165.…

New publication on Climate Adaptation Plans

Read and download here: Guidelines for co-creating climate adaptation plans for fisheries and aquaculture (springer.com)

ClimeFish contribution to webinar on the Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries

On Thursday 26th November 2020, ClimeFish contributed to the online webinar organised by the North Western Waters Advisory…

ClimeFish has concluded, here is a short summary of results

This is a summary of results from the 4-year ClimeFish project funded by Horizon 2020 – the EU…

Forum on the Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture

When: 25-26 February 2020 Where: FAO Headquarters, Rome Program The forum was live-recorded (links below) Presentations are available…

Presented ClimeFish in front of 600 people

Four project partners (UiT, Nofima, CETMAR and Matís) attended the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum in Brussels. Project manager…

ClimeFish in time capsule to be opened in 2030

Pupils at a primary school in Oslo buried the ClimeFish leaflet in their time capsule – to be…

Fish stocks are on the move

“As changes in the distribution of commercial fish becomes evident, a revision of how some quotas are allocated…

Meeting in Rome: CEN Workshop Agreement

Time of meeting: 24 February 2020, from 13:00-17:00. Venue: Hotel Lancelot, Via Capo d’Africa 47, 00184 Rome, Italy…

Warming seas are bad news for farmed salmon

ClimeFish researchers have evaluated how climate change could affect Norwegian salmon farming over the next 50 years. Here…

Featured in Research*eu Magazine

The ClimeFish project features in the latest Research*eu magazine special feature on ‘Oceans under threat: Protecting and preserving…

ClimeFish featured on Euronews

“It’s up to us as human beings to do proper regulation of the stocks and to agree among…

Fisheries stakeholders gathered in Copenhagen

The second loop of ClimeFish stakeholder meetings is underway. Two out of seven planned stakeholder events this year…

Why we are making a guidelines for Climate Adaptation Plans

ClimeFish is developing general guidelines for making Climate Adaptation Plans for marine capture fisheries, marine aquaculture and freshwater…

How to attend the ClimeFish CEN Workshop kick-off

CEN Workshop proposal on Recommendations for making Climate Adaptation Plans for marine capture fisheries, marine aquaculture and freshwater…

The Barents Sea ecosystem changes due to climate warming

Food-web analysis and functional biogeography can provide important insights into the relationship between species composition, diversity, ecosystem functioning,…

New one-pager: Contributions to EU Adaptation Package

On 9 October 2018, the 1st ClimeFish Roundtable was held in Brussels. 24 participants, including EU policy makers…

ClimeFish in AquaFeed

The marine aquaculture sector includes six specific case studies describing different aquacultured species and systems. Three fish species…

ClimeFish European Standards

ClimeFish will make a European standard for how to make Climate Adaptation Plans As outlined in the project…

1st ClimeFish Round Table Meeting

ClimeFish project facilitated a dialogue platform, where 24 participants, including policy makers and ClimeFish partners, debated on how…

Corpenicus for fisheries and aquaculture

ClimeFish was invited to attend ‘The Copernicus for fisheries and aquaculture’ workshop in Brussels in 2nd October 2018.…

ClimeFish at AQUA2018 in Montpellier

August 25-29. 2018, Montpellier, France ClimeFish was present at the AQUA2018 conference in Montpellier. AQUA2018 was co-arranged by the…

Studying fish in the Czech Republic lakes

From The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrobiology, 58th Annual Report Written by:…

ClimeFish on the agenda when Finnish school visited UiT

Last week, a group of pupils from Alpilla Upper Secondary School in Helsinki visited Tromsø and the Arctic…

Lipno lake survey 2018

The fate of commercial fish in Lipno, the largest reservoir in Czechia, is one of the cases studied…

Projecting the effects of climate change on fish populations

Climate change is one of the biggest threats for biodiversity nowadays, affecting many aspects of species life, range…

Collaborative project and models developed during UiT visit

Collaborative project developed during Samuel’s visit in Tromsø (5/06/18- 5/07/18) Samuel Dijoux, PhD student, contact: dijous00@prf.jcu.cz Affiliations: Dept.…

ECCWO 2018: What are we missing?

The scope of “The Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans” conference in Washington, ECCWO 2018, was…

CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) – Creating a European standard

ClimeFish will make a European standard for how to incorporate climate aspects into management plans for aquatic resources…

The ClimeFish DSS cannot tell the future but IT can help to prepare for it!

Within the ClimeFish project we develop 3 decision support software, one for each sector: marine fisheries – West…

Vietnam – Strongly exposed to climate change

Nha Trang University in Vietnam is one of the partner institutions in the EU ClimeFish project. According to…

The European Union prepares for climate change

Matis helps determine strategies to tackle the effects of climate change in aquaculture, marine- and freshwater fisheries, some…

The Hungarian Stakeholder Event

The Hungarian stakeholder meeting was held in Szarvas, Hungary, the 23rd of April 2018. The meeting, which lasted…

The ClimeFish case study on Farmed salmon in the Fish Farmer Magazine

Using model outputs of climate change projections produced by the Institute of Marine Research (Norway), growth forecasting models of…

2nd Annual Meeting

24th to 26th of April, 46 participants from the 21 institutions in ClimeFish met in Szarvaz in Hungary.…

The Farmed Atlantic Salmon Stakeholder Event

The Atlantic salmon case study stakeholder meeting was held in Oslo 5th of April From the ClimeFish consortium:…

The North East Atlantic Stakeholder Event in Fisheries

6 – 7 March 2018, ICES, Copenhagen The first stakeholder meeting for the C1F case study, which covers…

EDF Oceans Europe

Building resilience to climate change in North East Atlantic fisheries (This is a summary of The EDF Climate…

Lake Garda Stakeholder Event

The first Stakeholders Event of the lake Garda case study has been held on January 17th 2018 in…

Galician Stakeholder Event

How to cope with climate change in Galician mussel culture? First stakeholder event for the Spanish mussel case…

ClimeFish and CERES join forces at the IIFET 2018

IIFET 2018 Special Session: Economic and social impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture Session Description: Over…

ClimeFish at the Arctic Frontiers

The ClimeFish Coordinator, Prof. Michaela Aschan, had a key note presentation at the Arctic Frontiers in Tromsø, Norway, the…

Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results

Workshop: Making a “Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results” for H2020 projects The 11th January, partners…

EU’s Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change

Take action – participate in online public consultation on adaptation to climate change in fisheries and aquaculture I…

Policy Day in Brussels

Policy Briefing on forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture in the European Comission,…

Blue Growth Research and Innovation

ClimeFish was at the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 Information Week in Brussels last week. The event gave…

At the RISE 2017 for Future Leaders of the Barents Region

ClimeFish results are included in the curriculum for Bachelor students in Biology at UiT the Arctic University of…

Climathon in Vigo

Around 50 participants took up the Climathon challenge in Vigo with more than 280 ideas to tackle climate…

From modeling to lake life and back again

By: Jan Kubečka and Allan Souza, Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences Freshwater systems are smaller and less…

ClimeFish at the EAS in Dubrovnik

Aquaculture Europe was held in beautiful Dubrovnik, Croatia. It was a great success, with close to 1700 participants…

ClimeFish in the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme

ClimeFish has been included in the Scottish Climate change Adaptation Programme Third annual progress report 2017. As a…

ClimeFish in Climathon 2017

Galicia embraces the Climathon challenge 2017 The region will participate as innovator in Climathon, a global 24-hour climate…

Scientific Committee Meeting

The 13th of September, coordinator, WP leaders and sector leaders in ClimeFish met at MATIS’ locations at Island…

World Seafood Congress

Reykjavik Island 10th to 13th of September 2017 The World Seafood Congress (WSC) brings together a global audience…

EIFAAC International Symposium

EIFAAC International Symposium Adaptation of inland fisheries and aquaculture to climate change, 3 – 6.09.2017, Stare Jabłonki, Poland…

A New Era of Blue Enlightenment

The New Era of Blue Enlightenment event took place the 12th -14th of July in Lisbon, Portugal. Commissioner…

ICES PICES workshop on climate vulnerability assessment

ClimeFish presents at the Workshop on Regional Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the large marine ecosystem in the…

The ClimeFish Coordinator: Success in H2020

Michaela Aschan and her partners have been very successful in applying for Horison 2020 projects. Their success rate…

3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA)

3 days on the latest climate change adaptation science: bringing the best to ClimeFish from ECCA 2017 How…

Survey of the Lipno Lake

One of the biggest challenges in the ClimeFish project is to explain and evaluate the distribution and abundance of fish in…

Field trip to HCMR research facilities

The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) is a governmental research organization comprised of three Research Institutes: the…

The ClimeFish Annual Dissemination Awards

Members of ClimeFish that had made major achievements during the first year of ClimeFish were awarded with prizes…

First Annual Meeting

25th of April, 50 members from the ClimeFish team met at beautiful Crete to discuss, challenge, inform and…

ClimeFish at the CERES Annual Meeting

CERES is the sister-project of ClimeFish, financed by EUs H2020 program, running from 2016 to 2020. CERES is…

ClimeFish in National Geographic!

ClimeFish is featured in the April edition of National Geographic (Spanish edition). The objetives of our project are described and then the rest of…

Modelling of freshwater fisheries II

A workshop for the Climefish freshwater sector was arranged 12th to 14th of March, 2017, in Liget Wellness és Konferencia…

ClimeFish marine fisheries meeting

On the 7-8th of March, modellers from the three ClimeFish sectors, Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Lake&Ponds, met in Copenhagen to discuss biological forecasting,…

Workshop – Addressing the legal challenges

On 15 February 2017, ClimeFish and the K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS) held a…

EU Commissioner Vella visited ClimeFish

EU commisioner Karmenu Vella and the Norwegian Minister of Fisheries, Per Sandberg, visited ClimeFish yesterday. Vella is in charge of…

Working Group on Fish Distribution Shifts – WKFISHDISH

The WKFISHDISH workshop took place at ICES headquarters (Copenhagen) on November 22nd -25th 2016. The purpose of this workshop…

ClimeFish is added to the Climate-ADAPT database.

ClimeFish on Climate-ADAPT list

ClimeFish is now listed among the projects of the European Climate Adaptation Platform, Climate-ADAPT. Climate adaption is high…

Norwegian EU minister visited the ClimeFish stand in Tromsø

The National Science Days in Tromsø (Norway) took place on the 25th and 26th of September 2016. ClimeFish presented the project using Lego…

Scientific Committee Meeting

The 28th of September, coordinators, WP leaders and sector leaders in ClimeFish met in the beautiful city Vigo,…

First stakeholder meeting

Stakeholders from fisheries, aquaculture and lake and ponds production met with ClimeFish researchers to present their needs and discuss…

First film by Ørjan Garfjell starring Marie-Anne Blanchet at the University of Tromsø, Norway.

ClimeFish – The First Movie

We have made our first movie! The movie illustrates the effects climate changes may have on fisheries and…

ClimeFish is attending the FishAdapt conference in Bangkok this week

The Global Conference on Climate Change Adaptation for Fisheries and Aquaculture takes place in Bangkok, Thailand 8-10th of…

Europe gathers to rescue future fish stocks

Scientists around the world are now pooling their knowledge and capacity in order for the fisheries and aquaculture…

Kick-off meeting in Tromsø

ClimeFish kick-off meeting held in Tromsø On May 10-12, 57 project members met in Tromsø, Norway, for the first…

ClimeFish – Project start in Tromsø!

Today we will stick a paper fish to your back – but tomorrow we start investigating the impact…