EIFAAC International Symposium, Adaptation of inland fisheries and aquaculture to climate change

Sep 2017

  Stare Jabłonki, Poland

[tb_google_map address="Stare Jabłonki, Poland" height="150px"]

ClimeFish / CERES joint session

A meeting between freshwater researchers of the two sister projects will take place during a special session of the EIFAAC International Symposium Adaptation of inland fisheries and aquaculture to climate change (3 – 6.September.2017, Stare Jabłonki, Poland) https://eifaac2017.infish.com.pl/ .

Representatives of all freshwater teams will meet there and present their achievements so far and will seek the ways of joining forces to study the most challenging problems. The session is open to limited number of participants from other interested parties. Please contact Jan Kubecka  kubecka@hbu.cas.cz for details.