WP2: Data harmonization and visualization
The overall goal of WP2 is to collect, harmonize, visualize, and make available the data in the project to the users and to enable the other WPs to do their job in an efficient way without duplicating efforts or wasting time on technical issues.
A large amount of data will be collected in ClimeFish, including data related to the selected IPCC scenarios, species temperature affinities in different life stages, trait information based on available survey data, stock assessments, fishery statistics, aquaculture production overviews and forecasts, growth model data, environmental data and socio-economic data directly and indirectly related to fisheries and aquaculture production.
In WP2 we will design and maintain an internal database suitable for storing the data generated in the project. Wherever possible only a link to the original source will be provided rather than a copy of the complete data sets. WP2 will simplify harmonization of collected data and establish a common references for data from different sources and with different granularity so that data sets can be easily linked together
Harmonisation and standardisation is needed in relation to the ClimeFish data collection and generation activities for various reasons. Firstly, to ensure that necessary and sufficient data for the whole project and for all relevant analyses is collected for each case in a way that minimizes unnecessary work for those who provide the data. Secondly, that the data is named and interpreted in the same way in each case. Thirdly, that the data has comparable level of detail / granularity. Fourthly, that the data is made available to the scientists in a uniform way, so that it can be accessed later by other scientists, also after the project has finished.