Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Inter-Branch Organization (MA-HAL)
MA-HAL was founded in 2017 by merging the “Hungarian Association of Fish Producers and Fishing Water Users” (established in 1957) and the Hungarian Aquaculture Association (established in 2010). The legal basis of the foundation and operation of MA-HAL is the Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013. MA-HAL has 100 members, who are all stakeholders along the supply chain of the Hungarian aquaculture sector including producers, processors, traders, R&D and training institutions. Production of MA-HAL members covers more than 90% of the Hungarian aquaculture production.
MA-HAL is member of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) and the Hungarian Mirror Platform (HUNATiP) of the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP).
The Hungarian Inter-branch Organisation facilitates the dialogue between actors in the supply chain, promotes best practices and market transparency, improve knowledge of production and the market, forecast productions potential, help to coordinate better marketing activities and to explore potential export markets. MA-HAL also assist the innovation of the aquaculture sector through various activities including the involvement in national and EU projects.
MA-HAL as a stakeholder contributes to ClimeFish with provision of historical data and identification of risks of climate change in the Hungarian case study. It will also participate in the co-creation of adaptation strategies and farm management plans.