Cermaq is one of the world’s leading companies in farming of salmon and trout, with operations in Norway, Canada and Chile. In 2016 the farming business had sales of around NOK 8.5 billion, and a total harvest volume of 135,000 tonnes. The company has its headquarters in Oslo, Norway.
Cermaq focus on each step of the value chain from breeding to the customer. Salmon farming follows the same life cycles that occur in the wild. Eggs are harvested from broodstock fish and grown in fresh water to smolt size. Smolts are entered into sea water to grow to full size, when they are carefully harvested and processed, and shipped to customers worldwide.
Cermaq have high ambitions of being sustainable and their sustainability report is based upon the Global Reporting Initiative. This report includes guidelines and indicators for use of medication, salmon lice, escapees and marine resources as feed components. Every quarter, Cermaq publish results regarding these sustainability parameters, you can read more about them at the company’s website, www.cermaq.com
Cermaq holds many certifications in environmental sustainability, food safety, quality control, worker safety, including the internationally-recognized Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s ASC certification and the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices certification.
Cermaq focus on long-term production of salmon and sustainable value creation in local communities. This makes ClimeFish an interesting project for Cermaq to take part in. All of Cermaq’s production sites in Norway are located north of the Arctic Circle, where the temperature is cold and the natural conditions optimal for production of salmon. Likewise, this makes Cermaq an important stakeholder for ClimeFish since the biggest changes in climate change are expected in the North.